3 Subtle Ways to Say You're Job Hunting on Social Media

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Social media is no longer just for connecting with friends. More and more, professionals and companies are using social platforms to network, build relationships and even post job opportunities. How do you take advantage of this without making it obvious you're looking for work? Read on for tips on how to navigate social media to your advantage while maintaining discretion.

1. Polish Your Online Presence

Before your social media profiles can work for you, you must first make them presentable. Completely fill in your LinkedIn profile with your must recent experience, and use a fine-tooth comb to check for errors and typos. Change all other profiles to private, especially if they contain questionable or unprofessional content or images. Change your primary profile photo to a work-appropriate one, even if you've set the account to private. Clean up your Timeline on Facebook by removing any offensive or controversial photos, links, articles or posts. Once you've taken these steps, try Googling yourself as an extra measure. Remove any red flags that pop up to the best of your ability, and be prepared to discuss or explain anything else.

2. Network

Social media makes online networking a snap. For even better results, use your social media accounts to strengthen and develop relationships built offline. For instance, if you trade business cards with key industry contacts at a trade show, seminar or business conference, keep the relationship moving forward by sending an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. Include a personalized message with your invitation that reminds the person of who you are, where he met you or what you talked about. Once connected, don't let the relationship end there; actively participate in online discussions or share or comment on articles and topics relevant to your industry or interests. Keeping regular contact with your online network puts you at or near the top of the list when an opportunity opens.

3. Make It Easy to Contact You

Make sure your social media profile makes it simple to get in contact with you. Make it clear that you're interested in hearing about new opportunities without overtly saying that you're looking for work. Try adding a general statement such as: "I'm open to learning about new opportunities in my field. Please feel free to contact me." Then include your contact information. If listing a phone number is too personal, make sure your email address is prominently displayed near the top of your profile.

Social media sites provide an excellent opportunity to connect with companies, industry contacts and other professionals within unique platforms. But if you're currently employed, subtlety is crucial. Use these social media tips to let companies know you're actively seeking job opportunities while remaining under the radar at your current job.

Photo courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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