3 Ways to Create a Recession-Proof Resume

Posted by in Career Advice

It’s no secret that a recession is one of the toughest times to find employment.  With millions of workers looking for positions, your competition is incredibly steep.  The good news is that job seeking during a recession doesn’t mean you can’t be hired.  It does mean, however, that you will need to work to secure a job.  A great way to increase your chances of being hired is by creating a recession-proof resume.


What is a Recession-Proof Resume?


A recession-proof resume is one that is able to get you hired under the toughest of economic conditions.  With dozens—and sometimes even hundreds—of job seekers vying for the same position, it’s pertinent that you find ways to make yourself stand out from the pack.


The recession-proof resume is able to accomplish this goal because it brings forward your strongest qualities as a professional in your field.  It helps ensure you’re able to find a quality job even when it seems no one is being hired, making it immune to the conditions of a recession.


3 Tips for Writing a Quality Recession-Proof Resume


So how can you create a resume that you believe will get you hired, even in the midst of a recession?  Here are three tips to help you as you write:


1. Think from the perspective of success: It’s easy for job seekers to simply jot down a general summary of their professional background, which doesn’t give employers a good indication of how you can make a difference for them.  So as you write, think about all of the successful moments of your career, then list very specific accomplishments that prove you can make the same progress with a new employer.


2. Focus on keywords and phrases: It’s important to always remember that most employers utilize resume scanning software that helps them determine almost immediately how closely your background matches their qualification requirements.  To give yourself a leg up on the competition, it’s important to utilize job-specific keywords and phrases found in the job posting that show you are indeed a good match for the position.


3. Prove you’re specialty driven: If you’re applying for position as a human resources manager, for instance, it’s important that you prove you’re well trained in human resources. Take time to list your duties in action-oriented phrases, mention at least one major accomplishment per position, and be sure to highlight special training or programs you’ve been involved with that make you more qualified than other candidates.


Finding employment during tough economic times is not a simple task because so many qualified candidates are submitting their resumes at the same time.  But don’t let the steep competition deter you.  Instead, step up your resume-writing creativity so that yours is so amazing that employers can’t help but choose you for the position.


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  • Charlene S
    Charlene S
    What key words, give examples please.
  • Char
    Very, very helpful and well appreciated
  • joseph m
    joseph m
    I think this is a good advice which i should apply. having lost my job, and still hunting for one, i this is too beneficial. keep up the good work.
  • lebbie j
    lebbie j
    good stuff
  • Jarvis S
    Jarvis S
    I think this is so true i really like the advice. And i will work on my resume to better myself. Keep up the great work  Thanks,Jarvis
  • Amanda Davis
    Amanda Davis
    good reminder article
  • Jodi D
    Jodi D
    There are so many different resume consultants that provide totally different ideas on what makes a good resume. I have been in the medical field 26 years and have no intention of changing. I have a tough time writing a resume that is short and to the point due to the long history of experience. Now it has become where new graduates will be hired over people that have a  wide variety of experience. It is frustrating. Any ideas are appreciated so I can get back to work. Currently working on line on my Bachelor's in Nursing and that seems to put interviewers off when noted so maybe I should not mention it yet they want someone that is motivated.
  • Lisa E
    Lisa E
    I have always thought that the ability to teach oneself various skills and specialties is important, but sometimes I get the impression that perspective employers do not share my views. Should I list "Taught myself how to . . ." on a resume?
  • Jason Brewer
    Jason Brewer
    Well I have been a flight attendant for the past six years and before that I was a phlebotomist and then you can say well I have held many jobs I have even owned my own restaurant. Thing is is that I get a thousand job hits a day, but it seems that each company has its own recruiters like monster and this site? Am I correct an if so do you just do your résumé a hundred times for each position you apply with whoever that company uses as a temp agent ?  I'm confused.
    Good one . Certainly this will help me to develop a good cv for my self .
  • Ardriana J
    Ardriana J
    This was very helpful.
  • Quintino C
    Quintino C
    this is very helpeful indeed
  • Daniel M
    Daniel M
    Good advice  I would like to know about word cloud and how can I take advantage of this or is this used only by companys?? I want to use it for cover letters and my resume to fit the job description.
  •  Jean S.
    Jean S.
    This is very good advice I hope it will help me and others to find a job.  I have been trying to get a job for over a year.  Thank you for helping us.
  • Eloise H
    Eloise H
    This is good advice.  But the main problem that I keep finding is that I don't see job openings that relate to my skills; and so, I cannot respond to them well enough.  I don't see enough job descriptions that I could fulfill.  They are few and far between.  As a result, my interviewsare very seldom.  Because I'm a senior, I am running out of time.
  • William C
    William C
    this is very helpful it could be stressed more on creativity !

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