5 Tips For Using Twitter in Your Job Search

Posted by in Career Advice

Finding a job in 140 characters. How to use Twitter to find a job.

Believe it or not, social networking can be the key to finding a great job. Microblogging sites like Twitter have become mainstream and everyday, new companies are setting up accounts to keep their customer updated on news and they are even using it to recruit new talent.

It's hard to believe that such few characters could hold so much power, but it's true. There are many places, like Tweetmyjobs that list jobs everyday. Even at Manhattanjobs, we have a social networking feeds that keep our users updated on new job postings.

The nice thing about Twitter is that, unlike email and traditional job searching, you can receive updates to your mobile devices, allowing you to respond quickly. Although it doesn't take the place of joining forces with a job board service, it can certainly be a great supplement.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Set up an account with Twitter – You should make your user id something professional, like your first and last name. Don't try to be too cute here, remember that you are using it to market yourself. Create your profile to reflect who you are as a professional and include some information from your resume. Before you get started full-force, take some time to get familiar with how Twitter works. Keep in mind that Twitter isn't just a way to continually broadcast your advertisement, it is a conversation tool.

  2. Link your account with a website – If you don't have a website, then link it to your Linkedin profile. This way employers who are interested in you can easily find out more in order to determine if you are someone who would be a good fit for their job opening.

  3. Look for people to follow – You want to follow a good mix of people, but to get started, follow leaders in your industry, career advice site, job boards and even groups you may be affiliated with, such as alumni organizations.

  4. Tweet about your industry – Be sure to tweet with information that others in your field may be interested in. If you think of Twitter as a conversation, remember that no wants to willingly listen to someone who is boring. If you can't think of anything interesting to say, re-tweet some of the things you find particularly interesting.

  5. Connect with job services through Twitter – If you do a quick search, you will find many job related Twitter groups that relate to almost any industry. Follow a few of these and participate in the discussions. Even though you may not find a job there, it is a great resource for building your professional network and getting support from other job seekers like you.

Using Twitter in your job search is easy, it just takes a little bit of time and patience. You may not find the job of your dreams in a Twitter post, but having a strong online prescence will impress a potential employer, strengthen your personal brand and it will help you establish a stronger professional network.

Have you used Twitter in your job search? What advice would you give? Let me know in the comments.

If you are looking for a job in the Manhattan area, visit Manhattanjobs for the best Manhattan area job listings.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for ManhattanJobsBlog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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