Two Ways to Admit You're Wrong Without Feeling Weak

Lauren Krause
Posted by in Administrative & Clerical Services

Everybody makes mistakes. When you are the one that has to own up to being wrong, this reality can be hard to acknowledge. You may try to avoid admitting mistakes at work, but this can do more harm than good. Once you learn how to accept your own faults, you will be able to tell the truth and avoid feeling weak, gaining the respect of your peers in the process.

At every level of the corporate ladder, it is necessary to know when to show some humility and learn how to say you're sorry. It may not feel like a very authoritative thing to do, but even leaders need to show they aren't perfect all the time. Learning how to admit work mistakes without retaining your dignity is equally significant at a lower level in the chain. The important part is how you view your actions, and how you learn from them. There are two key ways to accomplish this.

Keep it Simple, Tell the Truth

Never complicate something you are already at fault for. If you try to make justifications when you know you are wrong, this solves nothing and can make you appear weak. Rather, if you can show that you acknowledge your shortcomings as they are, people are more likely to respect you for your honesty. In turn, showing such a basic human property such as admitting a mistake at work can work in your favor as your coworkers will be more likely to trust you, helping to forge better relationships in the workplace.

This technique can also have success across the ranks of workplace hierarchies. If you use the same dignified approach in similar interactions with your boss, they know that you are trustworthy and have strong character. Weakness isn't when you show fault, it's when you try to hide your mistakes made at work. Know when you are wrong, and admit it.

Learn and Apply

Mistakes are how people learn. Without falling off your bike, how will you learn to ride it? The same attitude should be applied throughout life, especially when admitting work mistakes. When you are know you are wrong, you should not worry about how you will be judged. Rather, you should take responsibility for that mistake and examine why it was the wrong choice. Only then will you gain a greater understanding of where you went wrong, and how it can be fixed.

Showing capacity for growth is an incredibly vital skill. Admitting mistakes at work provides a chance to show your creatively and problem-solving skills. In this way you can let your superiors know that you are mature and dependable, while avoiding feeling weak. Rather, you can turn a negative situation into a valuable strength just by accepting fault and learning from it.

Honesty is the only way to build strong relationships when admitting to mistakes in the workplace. It may not be easy to confirm your faults, but ultimately you gain the chance to prove your worth and adapt. How you handle your mistakes is more important than how you made them.


(Photo courtesy of stockimages /


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