Do You Want to Work For Stephen Hawking?

Posted by in Career Advice

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An interesting job opening.

You know how they say "It's not what you know, it's who you know that counts." When you are looking for a new job, this is especially true. However, it is also true that who you work with is more important than the job itself. Throughout history people have been given opportunities to prove themselves just because they were working for the right people at the right time.

One of the most legendary examples of this is Harrison Ford. Although he is an amazing actor, he may not have gotten the chance to be in the Star Wars movie if he hadn't already been working for Stephen Spielberg as a handyman.

If you were given the chance to work for someone who was an icon in your field, but the job wasn't that great, would you take it?

It's an interesting question. But, if you have a passion for physics, the universe or just want to expand your mind, Stephen Hawking is now looking for a new personal assistant. The job isn't glamorous, and it involves maintaining his website, helping organize lecture notes and even maintaining his wheelchairs and his van.

In addition to these more mundane duties, the assistant will also be responsible for maintaining the computer system that gives Hawking his voice. It seems that these pieces of hardware don't have any type of manuals. This means that the person chosen for the job would have to have some computer and electronic repair experience.

The job pays $39,000 a year and requires some travel. Still, I would imagine that there are many highly skilled people jumping at the chance to work with Hawking in hopes to learn the secrets of the universe.

Would you want this job? Why or why not?


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