How to handle the application hand-off

Posted by in Career Advice

Picking up and handing in your application can be just as tricky as the interview itself. It might seem like a good idea to grab an application or drop one off for a store you frequent while you’re out and about and on the go. Before you approach anyone take a quick assessment.

What are you wearing? If you shop in sweats now might not be the time to request to be a representative for their line of merchandise. This holds true for ripped or stained attire as well. This is likely the first time you will interact with potential coworkers and literally not a good time to air your dirty laundry. Also if you’re sporting clothing with a religious of political message come back later when you can do the talking instead of your t-shirt.

Why are you there? If you’re on a hardcore shopping spree and you ask for or turn in an application, odds are finding a job is going to appear second place to your personal needs and this may be a red flag for a manager. Even worse is if you are trying to return something against policy to the store or are toting bags and bags of intimate items you bought for a bargain.

Who are you with? People tend to shop in packs so if you’re with a group when an application exchange occurs, know that the manager is taking note of the company you keep. These will likely be the kind of clientele you will bring to the business. You may be perfectly dressed to impress but if the motley crew is waiting on the other side of the wall for you odds are they may be loitering there later if you get the job and that might not be the kind of store front display the company is looking for.

When is the next rush? If the answer is now, then hold off. Your application will get lost in the shuffle or you’ll just annoy the associate on duty by inhibiting them from helping people with potential sales. Also avoid lunch times. Retail employees are often limited in opportunity to eat on the job and, if you’re not respectful of that, you’ll be remembered but not in a good way.

How prepared are you? If you are picking up or dropping off your application are you prepared for an on the spot interview? Many times managers will screen candidates immediately if they have that moment open. Be prepared to answer questions about the company and why you want to work there.

It might seem inconvenient but taking the time allows you better control of the factors at work and making a special trip can show potential employers that getting the job is your number one priority.



Are you looking for a job in Retail? Be sure to visit RetailGigs.


By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a writer and blogger for Nexxt. She researches and writes about job search tactics, training, and topics.


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